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"The Keys of Baphomet" - new grimoire coming up soon!

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Happy New Year!

  Happy New Year! This year I’ll keep working on some of the projects that were started in 2024, and there are also new plans involving both books and art releases. Some of them involve the following: Membership Program Many thanks to all of you who expressed interest in my mentorship program. Regrettably, I couldn’t accept everyone for this one. I’d like to change that next year, and instead of individual sessions, create a course on Draconian magic that would be available for everyone interested. I’m planning to work on it in the upcoming months, and hopefully I’ll be able to offer it next year. A Baphomet Grimoire Last year I started collaboration with my magical brother, Edgar Kerval, on a new grimoire dedicated to Baphomet. I’m pleased to announce that the project is almost finished now and we’re putting the final touches to the book, which is planned to be released this winter. It will be available through Sirius Limited Esoterica. The title of the book, price ...

New Calendars for 2025!

There are two new calendars available for the upcoming year. The first one is called "Qliphothic Fantasies" and features twelve visual representations of the Tree of Qliphoth. Each of them is accompanied by an invocation. The other calendar is called “Gods of Ancient Egypt” and includes twelve colorful pages, this time showing portraits of the chosen gods and goddesses from ancient Egyptian pantheon.  The size of all calendars is 11x8.5 in. Below you can see the preview of all images included in both of them and the photo of the actual products. All my calendars can be purchased on Lulu.   Qliphothic Fantasies: ORDER HERE   Gods of Ancient Egypt:  ORDER HERE

The Oracle of Hecate - Signed Copies

    The Oracle of Hecate   Oracle Deck 33 Cards + Companion Book This oracle deck contains explorations of Hecate and her epithets from the perspective of a modern practitioner. Included here are 33 cards, each one showing a different aspect of the goddess. Each of them has different powers and associations and is depicted in a unique way. These depictions are based on my personal visions of the goddess, received through rituals, meditative work, dream magic, and studying the available sources on her mythology – both ancient and modern. Each portrait is accompanied by the explanation of its origin, mythological background and powers to use in ritual work. There is also a prayer that can be used to connect with the particular aspect of the goddess or to simply attune yourself to her powers. The cards themselves can be used in multiple ways, too. You can invoke the aspect of Hecate depicted in the chosen card for a meditative experience. You can draw a random card to see wh...