The Spider Goddess In the Draconian/Typhonian Tradition, the Spider Goddess is the Queen of Space and the Weaver of the Web in the Void. Her role and attributes are much more complex than what we know about her from ancient mythologies, where this archetype is known under such names as Arachne, Uttu, Anansi, the Spider Woman, Maya, and many others. In Qliphothic Qabalah, she is the queen of dark labyrinths beneath the Cosmic Tree. Her web extends across the Void, bridging the gulf between the Dayside and Nightside, waking and dreaming, the conscious and unconscious. Her power is magical venom, which is deadly to mundane consciousness but essential in the formula of initiation as it triggers the process of transformation through the inner alchemy of the mind. She is also the Weaver of Fate, and the spider as a symbol stands for the art of manipulation of destinies and the ability to maintain balance between past and future, spiritual and physical, creation and destruc...