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Happy New Year!

Anthologies & Magazines

My work has been included in the following anthologies and magazines:

* Dragon's Blood (Magan Publications)
* The Way of the Serpent (Magan Publications)
* Glimpses of the Left Hand Path (Magan Publications)
* Clavicula Nox (Ixaxaar)
* Shekinah (Edition Roter Drache)
* Pillars (Anathema Publishing)
* Anthology of Sorcery (Become A Living God)
* Qliphoth (Sirius Limited Esoterica)
* NOXAZ (Sirius Limited Esoterica)
* Sabbatica (Sirius Limited Esoterica)
* Belial: Without A Master (BALG)
* Azazel: Steal Fire From The Gods (BALG)
* Beelzebub (Lord of the Flies)
* The Left Hand Path: Philosophy & Praxis, Volumes I & II (Self-Published)

 The Left Hand Path

 Volume 1

If you’re looking for a good place to begin when it comes to the Left Hand Path, you will find such a place within this book. Contained between these covers are essays and articles that include information that can help clarify Left Hand Path topics for the beginner. However, if you are beyond the beginner stage, you may also find this volume of particular note because it is a collection of previously out of print material from hard to find sources that address the Left Hand Path. Essays gathered in this book were written by members of Lodge Magan in the years 2002-2010 and are derived from Dragon’s Blood magazine and other publications that were originally released at that time. The majority of them have an introductory character, explaining the basics of the Left Hand Path and its concepts, but there are also essays that refer to less known esoteric subjects. With the growing interest in the Draconian Tradition and self-initiatory LHP magic, we have decided to revise this material and make it available again.Lodge Magan, located in Poland, was active in the years 2002-2012. It closed by the end of 2012, giving way to the Temple of Ascending Flame, which is now the leading platform for magicians working with the Draconian Tradition. In addition to early writings from Asenath Mason, this volume contains many other articles from various authors and practitioners of the Draconian Tradition over the years. These include both philosophical aspects of the Left Hand Path and their practical application – rituals, meditations and descriptions of personal gnosis. Topics include Leviathan, Cain, Naamah, Apep, Sacred Sexuality, and Sorath, to name but a few. This is a true gem for the serious practitioner!



In the companion book to The Left Hand Path: Philosophy & Praxis Volume 1, we continue to explore themes that began there. In this volume, we will take a deeper look at Lucifer and Lilith, but in addition, themes of demonology and diabolism will be pursued. Apart from that, we will look at the Sabbat and related themes of traditional witchcraft. Pan will receive special attention as well. The dark goddess will also be looked at enough to give the beginner something new to contemplate, and the more experienced magician more food for thought to try new approaches. Regardless of your experience, you may find this volume a great overview of not only the Left Hand Path, but also various subjects otherwise neglected!


Temple of Ascending Flame anthologies:

In the Draconian/Typhonian Tradition, the Spider Goddess is the Queen of Space and the Weaver of the Web in the Void. Her role and attributes are much more complex than what we know about her from ancient mythologies, where this archetype is known under such names as Arachne, Uttu, Anansi, the Spider Woman, Maya, and many others. In Qliphothic Qabalah, she is the queen of dark labyrinths beneath the Cosmic Tree. Her web extends across the Void, bridging the gulf between the Dayside and Nightside, waking and dreaming, the conscious and unconscious. Her power is magical venom, which is deadly to mundane consciousness but essential in the formula of initiation as it triggers the process of transformation through the inner alchemy of the mind. She is also the Weaver of Fate, and the spider as a symbol stands for the art of manipulation of destinies and the ability to maintain balance between past and future, spiritual and physical, creation and destruction. As the Dark Initiatrix, she shows us how to gaze through the veil of illusion and access the Web of Fates, how to change and manipulate it at its roots, and by invoking her essence and absorbing her venom we ourselves acquire the power to weave it, thus becoming the true center of the universe and the very root of all manifestation.

These faces of the Spider Goddess and many more are explored in this book. Like other anthologies by the Temple of Ascending Flame, it contains a unique view of the Spider Current, accessed and presented from the perspective of the Draconian Initiate. It is meant for other Draconian practitioners, but it also contains information that will be of interest to anyone who wants to explore the mysteries of the Spider in general. 

Kindle Ebook


Hecate is a goddess of witchcraft, lunar magic, and necromancy. She appears with torches in her hands, accompanied by howling dogs, serpents, and ghosts of the dead – terrifying retinue that roams the land under the cloak of the night. Her powers are many, and her cult involves both life and death – mystical transformation through the ultimate rite of passage and rebirth in the womb of the earth. She is benevolent and generous, both to nature and her worshippers, as well as ruthless and responsible for all nocturnal atrocities and rites of malefica. In ancient times she was believed to endow witches with the power over the forces of nature, reveal secrets of herbs and poisonous plants, and introduce her followers to mysteries of lycanthropy and shape-shifting.
In the Draconian Tradition, she is the guardian of the mystical point of crossing, where all worlds, planes, and dimensions meet and intersect. Initiation into her path involves the descent into inner darkness, the personal “underworld,” where knowledge of ourselves and our universe lies concealed, waiting to be rediscovered. She is the first initiatrix, the psychopomp, and the sentinel who meets the aspiring Initiate at the Crossroads of the Worlds, leading us into the Womb of the Dragon through the gateways of the Nightside.
This anthology contains all those portrayals of Hecate and many more, introducing the reader to the magic and mythology of this mysterious goddess. Here you will find descriptions of personal gnosis revealed through the work of authors featured in this book, as well as references to her appearance in ancient lore and magic of old times. Like the other anthologies by the Temple of Ascending Flame, all this is written from the perspective of the Draconian Initiate, involving a modern approach suitable for the practitioner of the Left Hand Path.

Kindle Ebook


As a self-created god, Set is a powerful archetype of the Adversary and an attractive model for a practitioner seeking initiation into mysteries of self-deification. Feared by the faint-hearted and worshipped by those who sought power, he has become a symbol of storm and change, movement and transformation, force and energy. His fiery nature represents lust and fury, which is the driving force on the path, and his Black Flame is the inner spark of Godhood that successively becomes the fiery pillar of ascent on the path of self-initiation. His forked knife cuts attachments to the surrounding world, liberating the initiate from bonds of slavery and mindless ignorance, and his scepter represents authority and power, showing us how to devour our gods and be the masters of our destiny.
These portrayals of Set and many more are the subject of this anthology. Here you will find glimpses into his mysteries, provided by active practitioners of Draconian magic and initiates of the Left Hand Path. Essays and poetry, portraits and sigil art, rituals and meditations – all these contribute to the portrayal of Set as a god that is still alive and active in modern times, perhaps even more than ever before. We will look into his origins, ancient myths and legends, and modern interpretations of his role on the Left Hand Path – all this written from the perspective of the Draconian Tradition. 

This anthology brings together essays, rituals, and unique artwork dedicated to the Queen of the Night and the Dark Goddess of the Qliphoth. Denied and rejected, worshipped and venerated, Lilith has been a part of the Western culture for ages. Viewed both as a beautiful seductress and a ruthless demon, she is the Serpent in the Garden of Eden, the first woman, and the primary initiatrix into the mysteries of the dark side of the Qabalistic Tree of Life. Her rites are the works of love and pain, sex and transgression, transcendence and immanence, for she exists at the roots of all desire of all humans past, present, and future. This archetype has never been fully grasped in its profundity and is constantly unfolding, challenging us to recognize our fears and passions and to transform them into tools of power. In this book you will find personal accounts of practitioners who ventured into the sacred and unholy garden of the Dark Queen of Sitra Ahra and returned transformed and empowered by her gnosis. Spells and invocations, dream magic and guided meditations, visions and stories of intimate encounters with Lilith - all this is contained in this unique anthology, written from the perspective of the Left Hand Path and the Draconian Tradition.

 Tree of Qliphoth is our third anthology, exploring the dark side of the Qabalistic Tree as a map of Draconian Initiation. In essays, rituals and other expressions of personal research and experience, magicians and initiates of the Draconian Tradition discuss the realms of the Nightside, teachings and gnosis of its dark denizens, as well as practical methods developed both within the Temple and through their individual work. Material included in this book will give the reader a foretaste of these forces and a glimpse of what you can expect while embarking on the self-initiatory journey through the labyrinths of the Dark Tree.

Kindle Ebook


Lucifer is the archetype of the Adversary, initiator and guide on the Path of the Nightside. He is the fallen angel of Christian legends, the Devil of witches' Sabbats, one of primal Draconian Gods, Demon Prince of the Air, and Infernal Emperor of old grimoires. The purpose of this book is to delve into his initiatory role on the Draconian Path and in Atlantean magic through chosen masks and manifestations which Lucifer has used over the ages to reveal his presence to mankind, bestowing his blessings on Initiates and scourging the ignorant. Essays and rituals included here explore both his bright and dark aspects, the face of the Light Bearer and the horned mask of the Devil.

Kindle Ebook