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Showing posts from March, 2022

"The Keys of Baphomet" - new grimoire coming up soon!

Awakening Lucifer

I'm working right now on new writing and art projects, while my new book, "Rites of Lilith", is at the printer and will be released later this year. In the meantime, there are lots of other things happening. One of them is a new edition of "Awakening Lucifer." By "new" I mean republished, paperback version. No changes to the text or art have been made, but instead of Draco Press, which is no longer active, the book has been released by Become A Living God now. Below you'll find the ordering link to Amazon. The hardcover cloth and leather editions are also still available and you can get them directly from BALG. My other books, earlier released through Draco Press, are now available on Lulu. Check out the list of books on the right side of this page - all of them have updated ordering links.  PAPERBACK CLOTH & LEATHER