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"The Keys of Baphomet" - new grimoire coming up soon!

Qliphothic Invocations & Evocations


This book is the second volume in the series of workbooks for the modern practitioner focused on the Tree of Qliphoth, the dark side of the Qabalistic Tree of Life. While the first volume, Qliphothic Meditations, discussed the Qliphoth in general, presenting the Dark Tree as a map of self-initiation, here you will learn how to work with the gods and goddesses of these realms. In the traditional Qabalah these beings are viewed as demons, or archdemons, and the supreme spirits of evil and negation. In ancient times, however, most of them were gods and goddesses that had their cults and their worshippers, and although their nature was sometimes viewed as ambivalent, they were not seen as agents of evil until they became demonized by the Abrahamic religions. Here, on the Dark Tree, these forces can be stripped from all these misconceptions and worked with in their primal, undistorted forms, and this is what you will find in Qliphothic Invocations & Evocations.

Together with Qliphothic Meditations, this book provides the complete grimoire of the eleven Qliphothic realms and their demonic kings and queens. Also, both books discuss the Dark Tree as a path of self-empowerment and a quest for self-knowledge. You will find here the basics of this work, foundations of theoretical knowledge about the Qliphoth and their demonic rulers, rituals that will adjust your mind to their vibrations and frequencies of their currents, and practical methods to help you absorb their energies and use them for personal growth. This book is specifically centered on spirit conjuring and you will find here information about the dark gods and goddesses of the Tree of Qliphoth, their sigils, methods to invoke their energies and commune with them on the subconscious level, and techniques to interact with them by evocation and scrying. It also includes illustrations of all Qliphothic rulers, which themselves can serve as tools of interaction with the god-forms of the Dark Tree and gateways to their realms and temples. This work is partially derived from my past writings, but most of it is a completely new material developed through my personal practice with the forces of the Dark Tree, written and compiled here for the first time. The sigils and rituals presented here are not found in any other books of magic and constitute a completely unique grimoire for the modern practitioner. The gods and goddesses of the Dark Tree are here summoned into your consciousness so that you can absorb their essence, let it transform you from within, and use it for self-empowerment. Each ritual is a lesser or greater initiation in itself, and it opens way to transformation, understanding, and self-knowledge.

Published by Become A Living God in two editions: cloth (red) & leather (black). Accompanied by a specially designed statue of Lilith-Lucifer-Leviathan:



 ORDER "Qliphothic Trilogy" containing all three books on Qliphothic magic