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Showing posts from September, 2022

"The Keys of Baphomet" - new grimoire coming up soon!

Consultations, rituals for hire & mentorship

  Since I can’t travel now for personal reasons, I won’t be doing any public appearances or book signings for a while. For the same reason, though, I have more time for rituals for hire, personal consultations, and private mentoring.  If you’re interested in any of that, please check out my BALG page, where you can book a custom ritual or consultation. If you’d like a series of consultations or a regular meeting schedule (on Skype), feel free to contact me and I’ll see what can be done.    Personal Consultations Custom Ritual   At the moment, I’m mostly focused on my family and personal life. In the meantime, I’m working on three major projects: - A book about goddesses of death and necromancy – this is a collaboration with another author, and we will both announce details about it when we’re ready. - A set of oracle cards dedicated to Hecate – if all goes well, I’ll finish it by the end of the year and it will possibly be released in 2023. - The Spider G...