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Showing posts from August, 2024

"The Keys of Baphomet" - new grimoire coming up soon!

The Oracle of Hecate - Signed Copies

    The Oracle of Hecate   Oracle Deck 33 Cards + Companion Book This oracle deck contains explorations of Hecate and her epithets from the perspective of a modern practitioner. Included here are 33 cards, each one showing a different aspect of the goddess. Each of them has different powers and associations and is depicted in a unique way. These depictions are based on my personal visions of the goddess, received through rituals, meditative work, dream magic, and studying the available sources on her mythology – both ancient and modern. Each portrait is accompanied by the explanation of its origin, mythological background and powers to use in ritual work. There is also a prayer that can be used to connect with the particular aspect of the goddess or to simply attune yourself to her powers. The cards themselves can be used in multiple ways, too. You can invoke the aspect of Hecate depicted in the chosen card for a meditative experience. You can draw a random card to see wh...