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"The Keys of Baphomet" - new grimoire coming up soon!



Mentorship program is a new service that I offer from January 2024. It is open to everyone and involves a whole year of individual monthly consultations. The theoretical part is accompanied by practical homework assignments to provide a complete training in the chosen area. The program involves at least one full hour lesson in a month (it can be more on request), with the minimum of 12 months. Lessons/consultations can be conducted on Skype, Zoom, or FB Messenger. Paid through Paypal (monthly payments) or bank transfer (the whole amount with a discount). If you’re interested, feel free to message me. 


In 2025, I'll have two mentorship programs available:

1) Draconian Magic Essentials

January – Kundalini – introduction and foundations of practice

February – Personal temple – magical name, temple setup, tools of work

March – The Dragon and its manifestations

April – Ritual basics – opening, closing, structure of rituals, setting up ritual space, cleansing

May – Psychic senses and how to train them

June – Meditation & trances – basics and what to avoid to be successful

July - The Outer Dragon – working outdoors

August – Energy work – how increase, balance and direct the flow of prana/force

September – Techniques of invocation

October – How to evoke spirits

November – Astral magic – methods and techniques

December – Sigil magic and simple methods to manifest an intent

Price: 1800 USD. Paid either each month (150 USD monthly) or in advance for the entire year (15% off = 1530 USD).


2) Qliphothic Magic – Theory & Practice

January – Introduction to the Dark Tree & methods of work

February – Lilith – Identifying and opening the gates to the Qliphoth, working with Naamah, crossing the barrier between the physical and astral

March – Gamaliel – Astral magic & lucid dreaming, working with Lilith, introduction to sexual alchemy

April – Samael – Shadow work, spiritual poison and insanity as a way to expand consciousness, working with Adrammelech

May – A’arab Zaraq – Initiating the path of spiritual warrior through Venus and Baal, working with the polarity of courage and fear, love and hate, action and inaction

June – Thagirion – Exploring the concept of the Daimon/Beast/Higher Self, magic of the Adversary, working with Belphegor

July – Golachab – Exploring lust as a vehicle of transcendence, working with Asmodeus, methods to use spiritual fire to create and destroy

August – Gha’agsheblah – Working with Astaroth, exploring Qliphothic toxins and means of spiritual dissolution, descending to the underworld – both inner and outer

September – Daath/The Abyss – Working with Belial, confronting fears and inhibitions, exploring the concept of self-sacrifice

October – Satariel – Working with Lucifuge, learning to see what is hidden, confronting the Fates and exploring the ways to change and shape destiny

November – Ghagiel – Working with Beelzebub and the lords of pestilence, exploring entropy and its magical meaning, confronting taboos and limitations

December – Thaumiel – Exploring the idea of self-deification, working with Satan and Moloch, learning about cycles in the initiatory process

Price: 2220 USD. Paid either each month (185 USD monthly) or in advance for the entire year (15% off = 1887 USD). Available only if you have completed “Draconian Magic Essentials” program or have gone through basic training in Draconian magic through a Draconian magical order or temple.   

The list of participants for 2025 is closed now. Please follow my newsletter for announcements about open spots and mentorship opportunities in the future.